Picking the right consulting firm can be challenging. You want a firm that has experience, industry knowledge, and of course innovative ideas.
Our firm has the background and knowledge for all your cultural resource needs. This site will provide in-depth information about our background and describe the different services we offer. We'll also include information about some of our key principals.
We are knowledgeable about current regulations and guidelines, including CEQA and Section 106 for Federal undertakings.
Our staff is qualified in archaeology as members of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, and as historians and architectural historians under the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards.
Architectural History
Historical Research
Greenwood and Associates is a firm exclusively dedicated to the broad spectrum of professional services related to cultural resources. These include prehistoric archaeology, historical archaeology, architectural history, historical research, and public interpretation. Such work culminates in the assessments of sites or structures, preparation of research designs, an EIR or EIS, nominations to the National Register of Historic Places, documentation for HABS and HAER, treatment or preservation plans, data recovery, managing compliance with an MOA, evaluations under Section 106, and other reports required by local, state, or federal guidelines. Such efforts may be based on any combination of archival research, field surveys, monitoring, archaeological excavations, structural assessments, and collections analysis.
With local offices in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, and a cadre of professional investigators experienced in research, field work, laboratory analysis, and report writing, Greenwood and Associates provides prompt services at a level of scientific distinction. All contracts have been fulfilled on time and within budgets.
Greenwood and Associates
Email: JFoster@Greenwood-Associates.com
If you need more information, don't hesitate to call:
(310) 717-5048 phone (Ventura/Simi Valley)
(310) 741-0543 phone (Los Angeles)
Or you can reach us at the address below.
1512 S. Curson Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90019